Richard Boulanger was born in 1956 and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Music from the University of California, San Diego where he worked at the Center for Music Experiment's Computer Audio Research Lab. He has continued his computer music research at Bell Labs, CCRMA, the MIT Media Lab, Interval Research, and IBM and worked closely for many years with Max Mathews and Barry Vercoe. Boulanger has premiered his original interactive works at the Kennedy Center, and appeared on stage performing his Radio Baton and MIDI PowerGlove Concerto with the Krakow and Moscow Symphonies. His music is recorded on the NEUMA label.

Currently, Dr. Boulanger is a Professor of Music Synthesis at the Berklee College of Music where he has been honored with both the Faculty of the Year Award and the President'sAward. He has published articles on computer music education and composition in all the major electronic music and music technology magazines. Most recently, Boulanger edited a definitive textbook on computer music that was published by The MIT Press entitled: The Csound Book
"For me, music is a medium through which the inner spiritual essence of all things is revealed and shared. Compositionally, I am interested in extending the voice of the traditional performer through technological means to produce a music which connects with the past, lives in the present and speaks to the future. Educationally, I am interested in helping students see technology as the most powerful instrument for the exploration, discovery, and realization of their essential musical nature - their inner voice."
Selected Radio Baton Compositions
- Composition for Solo Radio Baton: (Richard Boulanger - Baton)
[+] I Know of No Geometry - movement 3
- Composition for Radio Baton & Voice: (Maureen Chowning - Soprano)
[+] Solemn Song for Evening - movement 2
[+] Solemn Song for Evening - movement 3
- Composition for Radio Baton & Violin: (Janos Négyesy - Mathews Violin)
[+] Shadows - movement 2
[+] Shadows - movement 3
- Composition for Radio Baton & Clarinet: (E. Michael Richards - Clarinet)
[+] from Temporal Silence - movement 2
- Composition for Two Radio Batons (Max Mathews - Baton1)
[+] Concerto for Virtual Orchestra - movement 3
- Composition for Radio Baton & Chamber Ensemble: (Arizona State Univ)
[+] Virtual Encounters - movement 2 (Arthur Weisberg - Conductor)
- Composition for Radio Baton & Symphony Orchestra: (Stanford Symphony)
[+] Three Symphonic States - movement 1 (Max Mathews - Radio Baton)
[+] Three Symphonic States - movement 3 (Richard Boulanger - MIDI Glove)
Radio Baton Performances - Quicktime Movies
- Solo Radio Baton Performance: (Richard Boulanger - Baton)
[+] Grainstorm (Smaragdis Max-based Improv Software)
- Radio Baton and Violin Performance: (Janos Négyesy - Mathews E'Violin)
Shadows - Movement 3 (Richard Boulanger - Mathews-Boie RadioDrum)
- Radio Baton and Orchestra Performance: (Hamilton Symphony Orchestra)
Three Symphonic States - movement 1 (E. Michael Richards Conducting)
ElectroAcoustic Compositions
- Composition for Clarinet, Tape & Prepared Piano:
[+] Construction 1 - Clarinet (E. Michael Richards - Clarinet)
- Composition for The Mathews Electronic Violin: (Janos Négyesy)
[+] Three Chapters from the Book of Dreams - Chapter 2
[+] Three Chapters from the Book of Dreams - Chapter 3
Csound & DSP Compositions
- Software Synthesis Work: (no samples)
[+] Trapped in Convert (mp3 - 6.6MB)

A DSP-Based Composition: (sample processing)
[+] Asleep in Wawel's Shadow

A Very Special Acoustic Composition
Adam's Lullabies: (Slawomir Zbudzjski - Piano)
[+] Wednesday
[+] Thursday
[+] Saturday
The Csound Book
[+] The Csound Book
[+] Chapter1 - Intro to Sound Design
The Csound Instrument Catalog
[+] The Csound Catalog with Audio
[+] Selections from the Catalog
Boulanger's Csound Tutorials
[+] Toots
[+] Chapter1 - Csound Book
[+] Mastering Csound
[+] Scanned Synthesis
Boulanger's Csound Music
[+] Richard Boulanger: orc, sco, mp3