
the max/msp csound object

Please note that Davis Pyon now has a Csound5 version of csound~ that runs on Macintosh and Windows. It should be compatible with the older versions of csound~, below. You probably will want to use his version instead!

click here to download version 1.2

+ OSX-only
+ Fixed bugs with filepaths and others for MaxMSP 4.3 compatibility.
[ Note that you must use OSX-style file paths now! ]
+ Changed defaults to not use memory manager in OSX
+ New CsoundLib 4.23f11 and support
+ New example patch demonstrating the new pconvolve opcode.

OSX - you can only have one instance of csound~ object
instantiated at a time. i hope this will go away
once csound5 is released.

Classic - you cannot run any file-i/o opcodes in
real-time. [soundin, diskin, fin, etc] use
gen01 function tables as a workaround.

+ On OSX
- place 'CSoundLibX' in /Library/CFMSupport
- place 'csound~' wherever you usually put 3rd party externals
[probably /Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/externals ]

+ On Classic MacOS
- place 'CSoundLib' in the Extensions Folder in the System Folder
- place 'csound~' wherever you usually put 3rd party externals
[ probably Max:externals ]

Please look at the example patches included with the download.
They provide cover EVERY csound~ functionality.

Please feel free to email me with any questions, suggestions or bug reports. Also let me know if you have any patches using the csound~ to link to from here, etc..
csound~ stuff
[+] download
[+] screenshot
[+] csoundlib
[+] donate

csound~ links
[+] mac csound home
[+] max/msp/c74
[+] csounds.com
[+] csoundmax
[+] csoundmixer
[+] csoundfx
[+] csound~ pd