
wrap — Wraps-around the signal that exceeds the low and high thresholds.


Wraps-around the signal that exceeds the low and high thresholds.


ares wrap asig, klow, khigh
ires wrap isig, ilow, ihigh
kres wrap ksig, klow, khigh


isig -- input signal

ilow -- low threshold

ihigh -- high threshold


xsig -- input signal

klow -- low threshold

khigh -- high threshold

wrap wraps-around the signal that exceeds the low and high thresholds.

This opcode is useful in several situations, such as table indexing or for clipping and modeling a-rate, i-rate or k-rate signals. wrap is also useful for wrap-around of table data when the maximum index is not a power of two (see table and tablei). Another use of wrap is in cyclical event repeating, with arbitrary cycle length.

See Also

limit, mirror


Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in Csound version 3.49