soundfile - Name of the input soundfile.
The following flags are available for envext (The default values are stated in parenthesis):
-o fnam Name of output filename (newenv) |
-w size (in seconds) of analysis window (0.25) |
The envext utility generates a text file containing time and amplitude pairs by finding the absolute peak within each window.
Using the command (while in the manual directory):
csound -U envext examples/mary.wav
will produce the a text file containing the following:
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.250 0.000
0.500 0.000
0.750 0.000
1.249 0.170
1.499 0.269
1.530 0.307
1.872 0.263
2.056 0.304
2.294 0.241
2.570 0.216
2.761 0.178
3.077 0.011
3.251 0.001
3.500 0.000
Which shows the time for the peak amplitude within each measured window.