
delayr — Reads from an automatically established digital delay line.


Reads from an automatically established digital delay line.


ares delayr idlt [, iskip]


idlt -- requested delay time in seconds. This can be as large as available memory will permit. The space required for n seconds of delay is 4n * sr bytes. It is allocated at the time the instrument is first initialized, and returned to the pool at the end of a score section.

iskip (optional, default=0) -- initial disposition of delay-loop data space (see reson). The default value is 0.


delayr reads from an automatically established digital delay line, in which the signal retrieved has been resident for idlt seconds. This unit must be paired with and precede an accompanying delayw unit. Any other Csound statements can intervene.


See the example for delayw.

See Also

delay, delay1, delayw