GEN18 — Writes composite waveforms made up of pre-existing waveforms.


Writes composite waveforms made up of pre-existing waveforms. Each contributing waveform requires 4 pfields and can overlap with other waveforms.


f # time size 18 fna ampa starta finisha fnb ampb startb finishb ...


size -- number of points in the table. Must be a power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).

fna, fnb, etc. -- pre-existing table number to be written into the table.

ampa, ampb, etc. -- strength of wavefoms. These are relative strengths, since the composite waveform may be rescaled later. Negative values are permitted and imply a 180 degree phase shift.

starta, startb, etc. -- where to start writing the fn into the table.

finisha, finishb, etc. -- where to stop writing the fn into the table.


f 1  0  4096  10  1
f 2  0  1025  18  1  1  0  512  1  1  513  1025

f2 consists of two copies of f1 written in to locations 0-512 and 513-1025.

Deprecated Names

GEN18 was called GEN22 in version 4.18. The name was changed due to a conflict with DirectCsound.


Author: William “Pete” Moss
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas USA
January 2002

New in version 4.18, changed in version 4.19