
lpslot, lpinterp — Computes a new set of poles from the interpolation between two analysis.


Computes a new set of poles from the interpolation between two analysis.


lpinterp islot1, islot2, kmix


islot1 -- slot where the first analysis was stored

islot2 -- slot where the second analysis was stored

kmix -- mix value between the two analysis. Should be between 0 and 1. 0 means analysis 1 only. 1 means analysis 2 only. Any value in between will produce interpolation between the filters.

lpinterp computes a new set of poles from the interpolation between two analysis. The poles will be stored in the current lpslot and used by the next lpreson opcode.


Here is a typical orc using the opcodes:

ipower init 50000  ; Define sound generator
ifreq  init 440 
asrc   buzz ipower, ifreq, 10, 1
ktime  line 0, p3, p3              ; Define time lin
       lpslot 0                    ; Read square data poles
krmsr, krmso, kerr, kcps lpread ktime,"square.pol"                     
       lpslot 1                    ; Read triangle data poles
krmsr, krmso, kerr, kcps lpread ktime,"triangle.pol"
kmix   line 0, p3, 1               ; Compute result of mixing
       lpinterp 0, 1, kmix         ; and balance power
ares   lpreson asrc
aout   balance ares, asrc
       out aout

See Also



Author: Gabriel Maldonado