
filelen — Returns the length of a sound file.


Returns the length of a sound file.


ir filelen ifilcod, [iallowraw]


ifilcod -- sound file to be queried

iallowraw -- Allow raw sound files (default=1)


filelen returns the length of the sound file ifilcod in seconds. filelen can return the length of convolve and PVOC files if the "allow raw sound file" flag is not zero (it is non-zero by default).


Here is an example of the filelen opcode. It uses the file filelen.csd, fox.wav, and kickroll.wav.

Example 250. Example of the filelen opcode.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
;-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
;-o filelen.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

instr 1 ; choose between mono or stereo file

ilen   filelen p4	;calculate length of soundfile
print  ilen
ichn filenchnls  p4	;check number of channels
;print  ichn

if (ichn == 1) then
;mono signal
asig diskin2 p4, 1	
     outs    asig, asig

;stereo signal
aL, aR diskin2 p4, .5, 0, 1 
       outs    aL, aR



i 1 0 3 "fox.wav"	;mono signal
i 1 5 2 "kickroll.wav"	;stereo signal


The mono audio file fox.wav is 2.8 seconds long, and the stereo file kickroll.wav is 0.9 seconds. So filelen's output should include a line for the mono and the stereo file like this:

instr 1:  ilen = 2.757
instr 1:  ilen = 0.857

See Also

filebit, filenchnls, filepeak, filesr


Author: Matt Ingalls
July 1999

New in Csound version 3.57