Widgets and GUI controllers

by Gabriel Maldonado


Widgets allow to design a custom Grafic User Interface to control an orchestra in real-time. They are derived from the open-source library FLTK (Fast Light Tool Kit). Such library is one of the fastest graphic libraries available, supports OpenGL and should be source compatible with different platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS) The subset of FLTK implemented in Csound provides the following types of objects:

Containers are widgets that contain other widgets, such as panels, windows etc. Csound provides the following container objects:

The most useful objects are named valuators. These objects allow the user to vary synthesis parameter values in realtime. Csound provides the following valuator objects:

There are other widgets that are not valuators nor containers:

Also there are some other opcodes useful to modify the widget apparence:

At last, there are three important opcodes that allowing the following actions:

Here is an example preview of Csound code for a window containing a valuator. Notice that all opcodes are init-rate and must be called only once per session. The best way to use them is to place them in the header section of an orchestra, externally to any instrument (even if placing them inside an instrument is not prohibited, unpredictable results can occur if that instrument is called more than once). Each container are made up of a couple of opcodes, the first indicating the start of the container block, the last indicating the end of that container block. Some container blocks can be nested, but they must not be crossed. After defining all containers, widget thread must be run, by using the special FLrun opcode, that takes no arguments.For example to create a window, the following Csound code is needed:

;*** It is recommended to put almost all GUI code in the 
;*** header section of an orchestra
        FLpanel        "Panel1",450,550 ;***** start of container
; some widgets should contained here
        FLpanel_end    ;***** end of container
        FLrun          ;***** runs the widget thread, it is always required!
instr 1
;put some synthesis code here

The previous code simply creates a panel (an empty window because no widgets are defined inside the container).

The following example creates two panels and inserts a slider inside each of them:

        FLpanel        "Panel1",450,550,100,100 ;***** start of container
gk1,iha FLslider       "FLslider 1", 500, 1000, 2 ,1, ih1, 300,15, 20,50
        FLpanel_end    ;***** end of container
        FLpanel        "Panel1",450,550,100,100 ;***** start of container
gk2,ihb FLslider       "FLslider 2", 100, 200, 2 ,1, ih2, 300,15, 20,50
        FLpanel_end    ;***** end of container
        FLrun          ;***** runs the widget thread, it is always required!
instr 1
;put some synthesis code here
; gk1 and gk2 variables that contain the output of valuator 
; widgets previously defined, can be used inside any instrument

All widget opcodes are init-rate opcodes, even if valuators output k-rate variables. This happens because an independent thread is run, based on a callback mechanism which consumes very few processing resources, since there is not need of polling (differently from other MIDI based controller opcodes). So you can use any number of windows and valuators without degrading the realtime performance.

Since FLTK tookit is still in evolution process, opcode syntax provided in Csound could be modified in future version, causing some incompatibilities between orchestras of a determinate version. However it should not be hard to modify early orchestras in order to make them compatible with later versions.

For more information see following sections.


FLpanel  "label", iwidth, iheight[, ix, iy, iborder]

FLscroll   iwidth, iheight[, ix, iy]

FLtabs   iwidth, iheight, ix, iy

FLgroup  "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, iborder, image]

FLpack  iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, itype, ispace, iborder


label - a double-quoted string  containing the title of the windows or a label
iwidth - width of the widget in pixels
iheight - heigth of the widget in pixels
ix - horizontal position of the upper left corner of the widget (in pixels)
iy - vertical position of the upper left corner of the widget (in pixels)
iborder - border type of the container. It is expressed by means of an integer number choosen from the following:

0 - no border
- down box border
2 - up box border
3 - engraved border
4 - embossed border
5 - black line border
6 - thin down border
7 - thin up border

if the integer number doesn't match any of the previous values, no border is provided as default.

image - a handle referring to an eventual image opened with bmopen opcode. If it is set, it allows a skin for that widget


There are no k-rate arguments in containers.

Containers are useful to format the graphic apparence of the widgets. The most important container is FLpanel, that actually creates a window, that can be filled with other containers and/or valuators or other kinds of widgets.

FLpanel creates a window. It must be followed by the opcode FLpanel_end when all widgets internal to it are declared. For example:

        FLpanel        "PanelPluto",450,550,100,100 ;***** start of container
gk1,ih1 FLslider       "FLslider 1", 500, 1000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,50
gk2,ih2 FLslider       "FLslider 2", 300, 5000, 2 ,3, -1, 300,15, 20,100
gk3,ih3 FLslider       "FLslider 3", 350, 1000, 2 ,5, -1, 300,15, 20,150
gk4,ih4 FLslider       "FLslider 4", 250, 5000, 1 ,11,-1, 300,30, 20,200
        FLpanel_end    ;***** end of container

will output the following result:


FLscroll adds scroll bars to an area. Normally you must set arguments iwidth, iheight equal to that of the parent window or other parent container; ix, iy are optional since normally are set to zero. For example the following code:

        FLpanel        "PanelPluto",400,300,100,100
        FLscroll       400,300
gk1,ih1 FLslider       "FLslider 1", 500, 1000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,50
gk2,ih2 FLslider       "FLslider 2", 300, 5000, 2 ,3, -1, 300,15, 20,100
gk3,ih3 FLslider       "FLslider 3", 350, 1000, 2 ,5, -1, 300,15, 20,150
gk4,ih4 FLslider       "FLslider 4", 250, 5000, 1 ,11,-1, 300,30, 20,200

will show scroll bars, when the main window size is reduced:


FLtabs is the "file card tabs" interface that allows useful to display several areas containing widgets in the same windows, alternatively.


It must be used together with FLgroup, another container that groups child widgets.

The following example code:

        FLpanel "Panel1",450,550,100,100
        FLscroll       450,550,0,0
        FLtabs  400,550, 5,5
        FLgroup "sliders",380,500, 10,40,1
gk1,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 1", 500, 1000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,50
gk2,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 2", 300, 5000, 2 ,3, -1, 300,15, 20,100
gk3,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 3", 350, 1000, 2 ,5, -1, 300,15, 20,150
gk4,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 4", 250, 5000, 1 ,11, -1, 300,30, 20,200
gk5,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 5", 220, 8000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,250
gk6,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 6", 1, 5000, 1 ,13, -1, 300,15, 20,300
gk7,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 7", 870, 5000, 1 ,15, -1, 300,30, 20,350
gk8,ihs FLslider       "FLslider 8", 20, 20000, 2 ,6, -1, 30,400, 350,50
        FLgroup "rollers",380,500, 10,30,2
gk1,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 1", 50, 1000,.1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,50
gk2,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 2", 80, 5000,1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,100
gk3,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 3", 50, 1000,.1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,150
gk4,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 4", 80, 5000,1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,200
gk5,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 5", 50, 1000,.1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,250
gk6,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 6", 80, 5000,1,2 ,1 ,-1, 200,22, 20,300
gk7,ihr FLroller       "FLroller 7",50, 5000,1,1 ,2 ,-1, 30,300, 280,50
        FLgroup "joysticks",380,500, 10,40,3
gk1,gk2,ihj1,ihj2 FLjoy        "FLjoy", 50, 18000, 50, 18000,2,2,-1,-1,300,300,30,60

...will produce the following result:


...each picture shows a different tab selection of the same windows.

FLpack provide the functionality of compressing and aligning widgets. itype argument expresses the type of packing:

0 - vertical
1 - horizontal

ispace argument sets the space between the widgets contained in FLpack.
iborder sets the border type.

The following example:

        FLpanel "Panel1",450,300,100,100
        FLpack  400,300, 10,40,0,15,3
gk1,ihs1       FLslider       "FLslider 1", 500, 1000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,50
gk2,ihs2       FLslider       "FLslider 2", 300, 5000, 2 ,3, -1, 300,15, 20,100
gk3,ihs3       FLslider       "FLslider 3", 350, 1000, 2 ,5, -1, 300,15, 20,150
gk4,ihs4       FLslider       "FLslider 4", 250, 5000, 1 ,11, -1, 300,30, 20,200
gk5,ihs5       FLslider       "FLslider 5", 220, 8000, 2 ,1, -1, 300,15, 20,250
gk6,ihs6       FLslider       "FLslider 6", 1, 5000, 1 ,13, -1, 300,15, 20,300
gk7,ihs7       FLslider       "FLslider 7", 870, 5000, 1 ,15, -1, 300,30, 20,350

...will produce this result, when resizing the window:



kout, ihandle FLslider  "label", imin, imax, iexp, itype, idisp, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
kout, ihandle FLknob  "label", imin, imax, iexp, itype, idisp, iwidth, ix, iy [,icursorsize]
kout, ihandle FLroller  "label", imin, imax, istep, iexp, itype, idisp, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
kout, ihandle FLtext  "label", imin, imax, istep, itype, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
koutx, kouty, ihandlex, ihandley  FLjoy  "label", iminx, imaxx, iminy, imaxy, iexpx, iexpy, idispx, idispy, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
kout, ihandle FLcount  "label", imin, imax, istep1, istep2, itype, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, iopcode [, kp1, kp2, kp3, ...., kpN]


ihandle -  handle value (an integer number) that univocally references to corresponding valuator, used by further opcodes that changes some valuator's properties. It is automatically set by the corresponding valuator.
label - a double-quoted string containing  some user-provided text, placed near corresponding valuator
imin, iminx, iminy - minumum value of output range
imax, imaxx, imaxy -maximum value of output range
iexp - an integer number denoting the behavior of valuator: 0 -> valuator output is linear; -1 -> valuator output is exponential; any other number indicates the number of an existing table that is used for indexing.
With a positive iexp value for table number, linear interpolation is provided with table indexing. A negative table number suppresses interpolation. IMPORTANT! Notice that tables used by valuators must be created with ftgen opcode, placed in the orchestra before corresponding valuator, not placed in the score. In fact tables placed in the score are created later than the initialization of the opcodes placed in the header section of the orchestra. Notice that, in normal operations, the table should be normalized and unipolar (i.e. table elements should be in the zero to one range). In this case all table elements will be rescaled according to imax and imin. Anyway, it is possible to use non-normalized tables (using ftgen with a negative table number), in order to acces the actual values of table elements, without rescaling, by assigning 0 to imin and 1 to imax.
itype - an integer number denoting the apparence of the valuator. Its meaning is different for different types of valuator (see below for details)
idisp, idispx, idispy - a handle value that was output from a previous instance of the FLvalue opcode (see later), to display current value of current valuator in FLvalue widget itself. Otherwise (i.e. if the user don't want to use this feature that displays current values), it must be set to a negative number by the user.
iwidth - width of valuator
iheght - height of valuator
ix and iy - horizontal  and vertical positions of upper left corner of the valuator, relative to the upper left corner of corresponding window, expressed in pixels
istep - a floating-point number indicating the increment of valuator value corresponding to of each mouse click
istep1, istep2 - similar to istep, correspond the coarse and fine increment, used in FLcount valuator
iopcode - ascii code indicating the score opcode to be scheduled. At present time the only opcode to be scheduled is the score "i" statement. So only the ascii value of this opcode (105) is valid. A zero value set the defaut of "i" opcode (so at present you can set this argument either to 0 or to 105 ,achieving the same result).
icursorsize - optional. If FLknob itype is set to 1 (3D knob) this parameter controls the size of knob cursor.


kout - output value
kp1, kp2, ..., kpN - arguments of the activated instruments (see below)

All valuators ouput their current values in the kout variable, and ihandle that is used in some cases by further opcodes (such as FLsetVal, see in a later section).

FLslider opcode puts a slider into the corresponding container. itype argument can be set to the following values:

1 - shows a horizontal fill slider [Image]
2 - a vertical fil
l slider
3 - a horizontal engraved slider [Image]
4 - a vertical engraved slider
5 - a horizontal nice slider [Image]
6 - a vertical nice slider
7 - a horizontal up-box nice slider
8 - a vertical up-box nice slider

imin argument may be greater than imax argument. This has the effect of "reversing" the object so the larger values are in the opposite direction. This also switches which end of the filled sliders is filled.

FLknob puts a knob in the corresponding container. itype argument can be set to the following values:

1 - a 3-D knob [Image]
2 - a pie-like knob
3 - a clock-like knob [Image]
4 - a flat knob [Image]

FLroller is a sort of knob, but put trasversally: [Image]. istep argument allow the user to arbitrally slow roller's motion, enabling arbitrary precision.
argument can be set to the following values:

1 - horizontal roller
2 - vertical roller

FLtext allow the user to modify a parameter value by directly typing it into a text field: [Image]. Value can also be modified by clicking on it and dragging the mouse horizontally. istep argument allow the user to arbitrally set the response on mouse dragging. 
itype argument can be set to the following values:

1 - normal behaviour
2 - dragging operation is suppressed, instead it will appear two arrow buttons. A mouse click on one of these buttons can increase/decrease the output value
3 - text editing is suppressed, only mouse dragging modify output value.

FLjoy is a squared area that allows the user to modify two output values at the same time, it acts like a joystick.

FLcount allows to increase/decrease value with mouse clicks on corresponding arrow buttons: [Image]. There are two kind of arrow buttons, for larger and smaller steps. Notice that FLcount not only outputs a value and a handle, but can also activate (schedule) an instrument provided by the user each time a button is pressed. P-fields of the activated instrument are kp1 (instrument number), kp2 (action time), kp3 (duration) and so on with user p-fields.
If iopcode argument is set to a negative number, no instrument is activated, so this feature is optional.
itype argument can be set to the following values:

1 - normal counter (like the picture)
2 - simple counter

By adding 10 to the value of itype argument, it is possible to ignore the state of FLcount widget when setting and recalling snapshots.

Other Widgets

kout, ihandle   FLbutton  "label", ion, ioff, itype, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, iopcode [, kp1, kp2, kp3, kp4, kp5, ...., kpN]
kout, ihandle   FLbutBank   itype, inumx, inumy, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, iopcode [, kp1, kp2, kp3, kp4, kp5, ...., kpN]
ihandle  Flbox  "label", itype, ifont, isize, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, image]
ihandle  FLvalue "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
FLprintk itime, kval, idisp
FLprintk2  kval, idisp


ihandle - handle value (an integer number) that univocally references to corresponding widget, used by further opcodes that modify some widget's properties (see next section). It is automatically output by the corresponding widget, and must not set by the user
label - a double-quoted string containing some user-provided text, placed near corresponding widget
ion -  value output when the button is checked
ioff - value output when the button is unchecked
itype - an integer number denoting the apparence of the widget. Its meaning is different for different types of widget (see below for details)
inumx -  number of buttons in each row of the bank
inmuy - numebr of buttons in each column of the bank
iwidth - width of widget
iheght - height of widget
ix and iy - horizontal and vertical positions of upper left corner of the valuator, relative to the upper left corner of corresponding window, expressed in pixels
ifont - an integer number denoting the font of FLbox
isize - size of the font
itime - How much time in seconds is to elapse between updating display.
iopcode - score opcode type. You have to provide the ascii code of the letter corresponding to the score opcode. At present time only 'i' (ascii code 105) score statements are supported. A zero value refers to default opcode that is a "i". So both 0 and 105 activates 'i' opcode. a value of -1 disables opcode feature.
image - a handle referring to an eventual image opened with bmopen opcode. If it is set, it allows a skin for that widget


kout - output value
kp1, kp2, ..., kpN - arguments of the activated instruments (see below)
kval - k-rate signal to be displayed

FLbutton opcode creates a button. Several kind of buttons are possible, according to the value of itype argument:

1 - normal button
2 - light button
3 - check button
4 - round button

This is the apparence of the buttons:


Buttons of type 2, 3 and 4 also output (kout argument) the value contained in ion argument when checked, and that contained in ioff arguement, when unchecked.
By adding 10 to itype argument (i.e. by setting 11 for type 1, 12 for type 2, 13 for type 3 and 14 for type 4) it is possible to skip button value when getting/setting snapshots (see later section). FLbutton not only outputs a value, but can also activate (or schedule) an instrument provided by the user each time a button is pressed. If iopcode argument is set to a negative number, no instrument is activated, so this feature is optional. In order to activate an instrument, iopcode must be set to 0 or to 105 (the ascii code of character "i", referring to the i score opcode). P-fields of the activated instrument are kp1 (instrument number), kp2 (action time), kp3 (duration) and so on with user p-fields. Notice that, in dual state buttons (light button, check button and round button), the instrument is activated only when button state changes from unchecked to checked (not when passing from checked to unchecked).

FLbutBank opcode creates a bank of buttons. For example, the following line:

  gkButton,ihb1 FLbutBank      12, 8,8,  380,180, 50,350,  0,7,0,0,5000,6000

will create the this bank:


A click to a button checks that button, and eventually uncheck a previous checked button belonging to the same bank. So the behaviour is always that of radio-buttons. Notice that each button is labeled with a progressive number.  kout argument is filled with that number when corresponding button is checked.
FLbutBank not only outputs a value, but can also activate (or schedule) an instrument provided by the user each time a button is pressed. If iopcode argument is set to a negative number, no instrument is activated, so this feature is optional. In order to activate an instrument, iopcode must be set to 0 or to 105 (the ascii code of character "i", referring to the i score opcode). P-fields of the activated instrument are kp1 (instrument number), kp2 (action time), kp3 (duration) and so on with user p-fields.
itype argument sets the type of buttons identically to FLbutton opcode (see above). By adding 10 to itype argument (i.e. by setting 11 for type 1, 12 for type 2, 13 for type 3 and 14 for type 4) it is possible to skip current FLbutBank value when getting/setting snapshots (see later section).
is very useful to retreive snapshots.

FLbox is useful to show some text in a window. The text is bounded by a box, whose aspect depends on itype argument. The following values are legal for itype:

1 - flat box
2 - up box
3 - down box
4 - thin up box
5 - thin down box
6 - engraved box
7 - embossed box
8 - border box
9 - shadow box
10 - rounded box
11 - rounded box with shadow
12 - rounded flat box
13 - rounded up box
14 - rounded down box
15 - diamond up box
16 - diamond down box
17 - oval box
18 - oval shadow box
19 - oval flat box

ifont argument set the font type. The following values are legal for ifont:

1 - helvetica (same as arial under Windows)
2 - helvetica bold
3 - helvetica italic
4 - helvetica bold italic
5 - courier
6 - courier bold
7 - courier italic
8 - courier bold italic
9 - times
10 - times bold
11 - times italic
12 - times bold italic
13 - symbol
14 - screen
15 - screen bold
16 - dingbats

FLvalue shows current values of a valuator in a text field. It outputs ihandle that can then be used as idisp argument of a valuator (see previous section). In such a way, the values of that valuator will diamically be shown in the text field.

FLprintk is similar to printk, but shows values of a k-rate signal into a text field instead of showing that in the console. idisp argument must be filled with the ihandle return value of a previous FLvalue opcode. While FLvalue should be placed in the header section of an orchestra, inside an FLpanel/FLpanel_end block, FLprintk must be placed inside an instrument to operate correctly. For this reason, it slows-down performance, and should be used for debugging purposes only.

FLprintk2 is similar to FLprintk, but shows kvar value only each time it changes. Useful for monitoring MIDI control changes when using sliders. It should be used for debugging purposes only, since it slows-down performance.

Modifying Widget Apparence

FLcolor  ired, igreen, iblue
FLcolor2  ired, igreen, iblue
FLlabel  isize, ifont, ialign, ired, igreen, iblue

FLsetVal_i   ivalue, ihandle
FLsetVal   ktrig, kvalue, ihandle
FLsetColor   ired, igreen, iblue,  ihandle
FLsetColor2  ired, igreen, iblue,  ihandle
FLsetTextSize  isize, ihandle
FLsetTextColor    ired, igreen, iblue,  ihandle
FLsetFont   ifont, ihandle
FLsetTextType   itype, ihandle
FLsetText  "itext", ihandle
FLsetSize  iwidth, iheight, ihandle
FLsetPosition  ix, iy, ihandle
FLhide  ihandle  
FLshow  ihandle
FLsetBox  itype, ihandle
FLsetAlign  ialign, ihandle
FLsetImage  imageHandle, ihandle [, iflag]
FLsetOverlay ktrig, kx, ky, kwidth, kheight, ihandle
FLtextSize isize


ihandle - an integer number (used as unique identifier) taken from the output of a previusly located widget opcode (which corresponds to the target widget), in order to univocally identify its reference when modifying its apparence with this class of opcodes. User must not set ihandle value directly, otherwise a Csound crash will occur.
ired, igreen, iblue - a color of the target widget. It can be the first color, second color or font color, according to the opcode. The range for each RGB component is 0-255
ialign - sets the alignment of the label text of widgets
ifont - sets the the font type of the label of a widget
ired1, igreen1, iblue1 - first color of the target widget. The range for each RGB component is 0-255
ired2, igreen2, iblue2 - second color (selection color) of the target widget. The range for each RGB component is 0-255
isize - size of the font of the target widget. Normal values are in the order of 15. Greater numbers enlarge font size, while smaller numbers reduce it.
iwidth - width of the target widget
iheght - height of the target widget

ix and iy - horizontal and vertical positions of upper left corner of the target widget, relative to the upper left corner of corresponding window, expressed in pixels
itype - an integer number that modify the apparence of the target widget. Its meaning is different for different opcodes (see below for details)
itext - a double-quoted string denoting the text of the label of the widget.
imageHandle - an integer number corresponding to an image opened with bmopen. image must be created in array of raw bytes format (iflag argument of bmopen set to 1, or 2 if you intend also access array of line pointers format)
iflag - in FLsetImage, resizes the widget according to image size, when non-zero.


ktrig, kvalue - not implemented yet

These opcodes modify the apparence of other widgets. There are two types of such opcodes, those that don't contain ihandle argument, that affect all subsequently declared widgets, and those without ihandle, which affect only a target widget previously defined.

FLcolor sets the primary colors to RGB values given by the user. This opcode affects the primary color of (almost) all widgets defined next its location. User can put several instances of FLcolor in front of each widget he intend to modify. However, to modify a single widget,  it could be better to use the opcode belonging to the second type (i.e. those containing ihandle argument, see below). FLcolor is designed to modify the colors of a group of related widget, that assume the same colors. The influence of FLcolor on next widgets can be turned off by setting -1 as the only argument of the opcode. Also, setting -2 (or -3) as the only value of FLcolor makes all next widget colors to be randomly selected. The difference is that -2 selects a light random color, while -3 selects a dark random color.

FLcolor2 is the same of FLcolor except it affects the secondary (selection) color. Setting it to -1 turns off the influence of FLcolor2 on next widgets. A  value of -2 (or -3) makes all next widget secondary colors to be randomly selected. The difference is that -2 selects a light random color, while -3 selects a dark random color.

FLlabel modifies a set of parameters related to the text label apparence of a widget, i.e.  size, font, alignment and color of corresponding text. This opcode affects (almost) all widgets defined next its location. User can put several instances of FLlabel in front of each widget he intend to modify. However, to modify a particular widget, it is better to use the opcode belonging to the second type (i.e. those containing ihandle argument, see below).  The influence of FLlabel on next widgets can be turned off by setting -1 as the only argument of the opcode itself. FLlabel is designed to modify text attributes of a group of related widget.
Legal values for ifont argument are:

1 - helvetica (same as arial under Windows)
2 - helvetica bold
3 - helvetica italic
4 - helvetica bold italic
5 - courier
6 - courier bold
7 - courier italic
8 - courier bold italic
9 - times
10 - times bold
11 - times italic
12 - times bold italic
13 - symbol
14 - screen
15 - screen bold
16 - dingbats

Legal values for ialign argument are:

1 - align center
2 - align top
3 - align bottom
4 - align left
5 - align right
6 - align top-left
7 - align top-right
8 - align bottom-left
9 - align bottom-right

FLsetVal_i  forces the value of a valuator to a number provided by the user. This can be useful to set the initial values or to reset/update widget values for some special task. If the valuator has some graphic apparence related to position of its pointer (for example in a slider), it affect also pointer position. This and all following opcodes belong to the second type of modifiers, since they contain ihandle argument. So they affect only a single widget. Notice that, when using FLsetVal_i to set the values of FLjoy, two adjacent instances of FLsetVal_i are always required, the first matching the X value and the second the Y value of FLjoy.

FLsetVal is almost identical to FLsetVal_i, except it operates at k-rate, and it affects target valuator only when ktrig is set to a non-zero value. It is not possible to use FLsetVal to set the value of FLbutton, FLbutBank and FLjoy. If you attempt to do that, probably a Csound crash will occurr.

FLsetColor sets the primary color of the target widget.

FLsetColor2 sets the secondary (or selection) color of the target widget.

FLsetTextSize sets the size of the text label of the target widget.

FLsetTextColor sets the color of the text label of the target widget.

FLsetFont sets the font type of the target widget. See above for legal ifont values.

FLsetTextType sets some attributes related to the fonts of the text label of the target widget.
In this case, legal values of itype are:

0 - normal label
1 - no label (hides the text)
2 - symbol label (see below)
3 - shadow label
4 - engraved label
5- embossed label
6- bitmap label (not implemented yet)
7- pixmap label (not implemented yet)
8- image label (not implemented yet)
9- multi label (not implemented yet)
10- free-type label (not implemented yet)

When using itype=3 (symbol label), it is possible to assign a graphical symbol instead of the text label of the target widget. In this case, the string of the target label must always start with '@'; if it starts with something else (or the symbol is not found) the label is drawn normally. The following symbols are supported:

The @ sign may be followed by the following optional "formatting" characters, in this order:

·         '#' forces square scaling, rather than distortion to the widget's shape.

·         +[1-9] or -[1-9] tweaks the scaling a little bigger or smaller.

·         [1-9] - rotates by a multiple of 45 degrees. '6' does nothing, the others point in the direction of that key on a numeric keypad.

Notice that, with FLbox and FLbutton, it is not necessary to call FLsetTextType opcode at all in order to use a symbol. In this case is sufficient set a label starting with '@' followed by the proper formatting string.

FLsetText sets the label of the target widget to the double-quoted text string provided with itext argument.

FLsetSize resize the target widget (not the size of the text), according to iwidth and iheight arguments.

FLsetPosition sets the position of the target widget according to ix and iy arguments. Their values corrspond to the upper left corner of the widget and are relative to the upper left corner of the window that contain the widget.

FLhide hides target widget, making it invisible.

FLshow restore the visibility of a previously hidden widget.

FLsetBox set the apparence of a box surrounding the target widget. Legal values for itype argument are:

1 - flat box
2 - up box
3 - down box
4 - thin up box
5 - thin down box
6 - engraved box
7 - embossed box
8 - border box
9 - shadow box
10 - rounded box
11 - rounded box with shadow
12 - rounded flat box
13 - rounded up box
14 - rounded down box
15 - diamond up box
16 - diamond down box
17 - oval box
18 - oval shadow box
19 - oval flat box

FLsetAlign sets the text alignment of the label of the target widget. See above for legal ialign values.

FLsetImage shows a RGB image inside or near the corresponding widget. imageHandle argument is an integer number corresponding to an image already opened with bmopen opcode. iflag argument (optional) can assume the following integer values:

0 - places the image into the center of parent widget
1 - resizes the parent widget according to image size
2 - tiles the image inside parent widget

FLsetOverlay draws a rectangle over a widget, that can be modified at performance time. This can be useful, for example to draw a moving cursor following an image playing with bmscan opcode.

FLtextSize sets the size of all subsequent text fonts.

General Widget-related Opcodes


inumSnap, inumVal   FLsetsnap   index [, ifn, igroup]
inumSnap FLgetsnap index [, igroup]

FLsavesnap "filename" [, igroup]
FLloadsnap "filename" [, igroup]

FLsetSnapGroup  igroup


inumSnap - current number of snapshots
inumVal - number of valuators (whose value is stored in a snapshot) present in current orchestra
index - a number referring univocally to a snapshot. Several snapshots can be stored in the same bank
ifn – (optional) argument referring to an already allocated table, to store values of a sna
pshot. If it is set to zero (default), this option is not activated.
igroup – (optional) an integer number referring to a snapshot-related group of
widget. It allows to get/set, or to load/save the state of a subset of valuators. Default value is zero that refers to the first group. The group number is determined by the opcode FLsetSnapGroup  (see below)
filename - a double-quoted string corresponding to a file to store
or load a bank of snapshots

FLrun opcode must be located at the end of all widget declarations. It has no arguments, and its purpose is to start the thread related to widgets. Widgets would not operate if FLrun is missing.

FLsetsnap opcode stores current status of all valuators belonging to a stated widget group (the group is determined by the opcode FLsetSnapGroup, see below) into a snapshot location in memory. Any number of snapshots can be stored in current bank. Banks  are structures that only exist in memory, there are no other reference to them other that they can be accessed by FLsetsnap, FLsavesnap, FLloadsnap and FLgetsnap opcodes. Only a single bank belonging to a stated group can be present in memory (actually different banks of different groups can reside in memory simultaneusly). If ifn argument (optional) refers to an already allocated and valid table, the snapshot will be stored in the table, instead of in the bank. So that table can be accessed from other Csound opcodes. index argument univocally refers to a determinate snapshot. If the value of index refers to a previously stored snapshot, all its old values will be replaced with current ones. If index refers to a snapshot that doesn't exist, a new snapshot will be created. If index value is not adjacent with that of a previously created snapshot, some empty snapshots will be created (for example, if location with index 0 contains the only and unique snapshot present in a bank, and the user stores a new snapshot using index 5, all locations between 1 and 4 will automatically contain empty snapshots). Empty snapshots don't contain any data and are neutral. The output argument of FLsetsnap contains current number of snapshots (inumSnap argument) and the total number of values stored in each snapshot (inumVal), that is equal to the number of valuators present in in corresponding group.

FLgetsnap retreives a previously stored snapshot (in memory), i.e. sets all valuator of a group to the corresponding values stored in that snaphot. index argument univocally must refer to an already existent snapshot. If index argument refers to an empty snapshot or to a snapshot that doesn't exist, no action is done. FLsetsnap outputs current number of snapshots (inumSnap argument).

FLsavesnap saves all snapshots currently created (i.e. the entire memory bank) belonging to a stated group, into a file whose name is filename. Since the file is a text file, snapshot values can also be edited manually, by means of a text editor. The format of data stored in the file is the following (at present time, this could be changed in next Csound version):

----------- 0 -----------
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLslider 331.946 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the first oscillator"
FLslider 385.923 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the second ocillator"
FLslider 80 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the third ocillator"
FLcount 0 0 10 0 "this index must point to the location number where snaphsot is stored"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Store snapshot to current index"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Save snapshot bank to disk"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Load snapshot bank from disk"
FLbox 0 0 1 0 ""
----------- 1 -----------
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLvalue 0 0 1 0 ""
FLslider 819.72 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the first oscillator"
FLslider 385.923 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the second ocillator"
FLslider 80 80 5000 -1 "frequency of the third ocillator"
FLcount 1 0 10 0 "this index must point to the location number where snaphsot is stored"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Store snapshot to current index"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Save snapshot bank to disk"
FLbutton 0 0 1 0 "Load snapshot bank from disk"
FLbox 0 0 1 0 ""
----------- 2 -----------
..... etc...
----------- 3 -----------
..... etc...

As you can see, each shapshot contain several lines. Each snapshot is separated from previous and next snapshot by a line of this kind: "----------- snapshot Num -----------". Then there are several line containing data. Each of these lines corresponds to a widget. The first field of each line is an unquoted string containing opcode name corresponding to that widget. Second field is a number that expresses current value of a snapshot. In current version this is the only field that can be modified manually. The third and fourth fields shows minimum and maximum values allowed for that valuator. Fifth field is a special number that indicates if the valuator is linear (value 0), exponential (value -1), or is indexed by a table interpolating values (negative table numbers) or non-interpolating (positive table numbers). Last field is a quoted string with the label of the widget. Last line of the file is always "---------------------------".
Note that FLvalue and FLbox are not valuators, and their values are fixed, cannot be modified.

FLloadsnap loads all snapshots contained in filename into the memory bank of a group of current orchestra.

FLsetSnapGroup  determines the group of a declared valuator. To make a valuator to belong to a stated group, you have to place FLsetSnapGroup  just before the declaration of the widget itself. The group stated by FLsetSnapGroup  lasts for all valuators declared after it, until a new FLsetSnapGroup  statement with a different group is encountered. If no FLsetSnapGroup  statement are present in an orchestra, the default group for all widget will be group zero.

Slider Bank

FLslidBnk   "names", inumsliders [, ioutable, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, itypetable, iexptable, istart_index, iminmaxtable]

FLvslidBnk   "names", inumsliders [, ioutable, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, itypetable, iexptable, istart_index, iminmaxtable]

FlslidBnk2   "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index]

FlvslidBnk2   "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index]

ihandle FLslidBnkGetHandle

FLslidBnkSet ihandle, ifn [, istart_ndx, istartSlid, inumSlid]


names -  a double-quoted string containing the names of each slider. Each slider can have a different name. Separate each name with the '@' character, for example "frequency@amplitude@cutoff". It is possible to omit the names by giving a single space " "; in this case the opcode will automatically assign a progressive number as a label for each slider.
inumsliders - number of sliders
ioutable - number of a previously-allocated table in which to store output values of each slider. User must be sure that table size is large enough to contain all output cells, otherwise a segfault will crash Csound. By assigning zero to this argument, the output will be directed to the zak space, in the k-rate zone. In this case hte zak space must be previously allocated with the zakinit opcode, and the user must be sure that the allocation size is big enough to cover all sliders. Default is zero (i.e. store output in zak space).
istart_index - an integer number referring to a starting offset of output cell locations. It can be positive to allow multiple banks of sliders to output in the same table or in the zak space. Default is zero (no offset).
iminmaxtable - number of a previously-defined table containing a list of min-max pairs, referred to each slider. A zero value defaults 0 to 1 range for all slider, without necessity to provide a table. Default is zero
iexptable -  number of a previously-defined table containing a list of identifiers (i.e. integer numbers) provided to modify the behaviour of each slider independently. Identifiers can assume the following values:

-1 = exponential curve response
0 = linear response
number > than 0 = follow the curve of a previously-defined table to shape response of corresponding slider. In this case the number corresponds to table number.

you can assume that all sliders of the bank have the same response curve (exponential or linear), in this case you can assign -1 or 0 to iexptable, without worring to previously define any table. Default value is zero (all sliders have a linear response, without having to provide a table).

itypetable - number of a previously-defined table containing a list of identifiers (i.e. integer numbers) provided to modify the aspect of each individual slider independently. Identifiers can assume the following values:

1 = Fill slider
3 = Normal slider
5 or 0 = Nice slider
7 = Nice slider with down-box 

you can assume that all sliders of the bank have the same aspect, in this case you can assign a negative number to itypetable without worring to previously define any table. Negative numbers have the same meaning of the corresponding positive identifiers, with the difference that the same aspect is assigned to all sliders. You can also assign a random aspect to each slider, by setting itypetable to a negative number lower than -7. Default value is zero (all sliders have the aspect of nice sliders, without having to provide a table). By adding 10 to the absolute value of a slider type number, you can obtain a slider that visualizes current value.

iconfigtable – in the FLhslidbnk and FLvslidbnk opcodes, this table replaces iminmaxtable, iexptable and itypetable, all these parameters having placed into a single table. This table has to be filled with a group of 5 parameters for each slider in this way:

min1, max1, exp1, type1, min2, max2, exp2, type2, min3, max3, exp3, type3 etc.

for example using GEN02 you can type:

inum ftgen 1,0,256, -2,     0,1,0,1,    100, 5000, -1, 3,      50, 200, -1, 5,….. [etcetera]

in this example the first slider will be affected by the [0,1,0,1] parameters (the range will be 0 to 1, it will have linear response, and its aspect will be a fill slider), the second slider will be affected by the [100,5000,-1,3] parameters (the range is 100 to 5000, the response is exponential and the aspect is a normal slider), the third slider will be affected by the [50,200,-1,5] parameters (the range is 50 to 200, the behavior exponential, and the aspect is a nice slider), and so on.

iwidth, iheight - width and height of the rectangular area containing all sliders of the bank , excluding text labels, that are placed at the left of that area.
ix, iy - horizontal and vertical position of the upper left corner of the rectangular area containing all sliders belonging to the bank. You have to leave enough space, at the left of that rectangle, in order to make labels of sliders to be visible, since labels themselves are external to the rectangular area.

ihandle - handle of the sliderBnk (to be used to set its values)

ifn - number of a table containing an array of values to set each slider to.

istart_ndx - start table index (optional, default value 0)

istartSlid - first slider to reset (default 0)

inumSlid - number of sliders to reset (default: up to the last slider)


there are no k-rate arguments, even if cells of the output table (or the zak space) are updated at k- rate.

FLslidBnk is a widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders. Any number of sliders can be placed into the bank (inumsliders argument). The output of all sliders is stored into a previously allocated table or into the zak space (ioutable argument). It is possible to determine the first location of the table (or of the zak space) in which to store the output of the first slider by means of istart_index argument. Each slider can have an individual label, that is placed at the left of it. Labels are defined by the "names" argument (see above, in the parameter description section). The output range of each slider can be individually set, by means of an external table (iminmaxtable argument). Curve response of each slider can be set individually, by means of a list of identifiers placed in a table (iexptable argument). It is possible to define the aspect of each slider indendently or to make all sliders have the same aspect (itypetable argument). iwidth, iheight, ix and iy, determine width, height, horizontal and vertical position of the rectangular area containing sliders. Notice that the label of each slider is placed at the left of them, and is not included in the rectagular area containing sliders, so the user should leave enough space at the left of the bank, by assigning a proper ix value in order to leave labels visible.

FLvslidBnk is identical to FLslidBnk except it contains vertical sliders instead of horizontal. Since the width of each single slider is most often small, it is recommended to leave only a single space in the names string (“ “), in this case each slider will be automatically numbered.

FLslidBnk2 is has identical behavior to FLslidBnk, but has a more convenient syntax, when one has to set all slider parameters. In this case the three tables iminmaxtable, itypetable and iexptable have been merged into a single table, named iconfigtable.

FLvslidBnk2 is identical to FlslidBnk2 except it contains vertical sliders instead of horizontal.

FLslidBnkGetHandle gets the handle of last slider bank created. This opcode must follow corresponding FLslidBnk immediately, in order to get its handle.

FLslidBnkSet reset the values of a slider bank (created with FLslidBnk) according to an array of values stored into table ifn. User has to set ihandle argument to the handle got from FLslidBnkGetHandle opcode.

It is possible to reset only a range of sliders, by using the optional arguments istart_ndx, istartSlid, inumSlid.


koutx, kouty, kinside  FLxyin            ioutx_min, ioutx_max, iouty_min, iouty_max,  \
iwindx_min, iwindx_max, iwindy_min, iwindy_max [, iexpx, iexpy, ioutx, iouty]


Similar to xyin, sense the mouse cursor position in a user-defined area inside an FLpanel.


ioutx_min, ioutx_max – the minimum and maximum limits of the interval to be output (X or horizontal axis).

iouty_min, iouty_max  – the minimum and maximum limits of the interval to be output (Y or vertical axis).

iwindx_min, iwindx_max – the X coordinate of the horizontal edges of the sensible area, relative to the FLpanel ,in pixels.

iwindy_min, iwindy_max  - the Y coordinates of the vertical edges of the sensible area, relative to the FLpanel, in pixels.

iexpx, iexpy - (optional) integer numbers denoting the behavior of the x or y output: 0 -> output is linear; -1 -> output is exponential; any other number indicates the number of an existing table that is used for indexing. With a positive value for table number, linear interpolation is provided in table indexing. A negative table number suppresses interpolation. Notice that in normal operations, the table should be normalized and unipolar (i.e. all table elements should be in the zero to one range). In this case all table elements will be rescaled according to imax and imin. Anyway, it is possible to use non-normalized tables (created with a negative table number, that can contain elements of any value), in order to acces the actual values of table elements, without rescaling, by assigning 0 to iout_min and 1 to iout_max.

ioutx, iouty – (optional) initial output values.


koutx, kouty  - output values, scaled according to user choices.

kinside – a flag that informs if the mouse cursor falls out of the rectangle of the user-defined area. If it is out of the area, kinside is set to zero, else

FLxyin senses the mouse cursor position in a user-defined area inside an FLpanel. When FLxyin is called, the position of the mouse within the chosen area is used to reply to the request. It is possible to define the sensible area, as well the minimum and maximum values corresponding to the minimum and maximum mouse positions. Mouse buttons don’t need to be pressed to make FLxyin to operate. It is able to function correctly even if other widgets (present in the FLpanel) overlap the sensible area.



FLvumeter          (no arguments)


This opcode opens a panel with a graphical VU-meter showing the final level of each one of the output channels. The number of displayed channels is automatically set to nchnls, and if input is enabled, the level of input channels is displayed too. The FLvumeter statement has to be placed before FLrun and out of any FLpanel / FLpanelEnd blocks.

Graphic tablet support

kx, ky, kz  FLtablet  [iPressRange [, iPanelNum]]  

kleft, kright, kmiddle  FLtabletButton

kx, ky, kz, kinside  FLtabletXYZ  ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax, iwminx, iwmaxx, iwminy, iwmaxy, iwminz, iwmaxz [,iexpx, iexpy, iexpz, [ioutx, iouty, ioutz]]



Manages a graphic tablet supporting the Wintab API (most tablet models support it).


iPressRange – (optional) the range of the tablet pressure (that is output to the kz argument). The default value is 1, that will output raw pressure value, for example, for a tablet capable of 512 pressure levels, it will output values in the 0 to 511 range. In this particular case, if you want to normalize the output from 0 to 1, you have to set iPressRange to 511 (there are tablets with a number of pressure levels different from 512, in this case you have to assign a value different from 511, see your tablet manual).

iPanelNum  – (optional) the number of FLpanel that you want the tablet depends on. The default is zero, indicating the first created FLpanel.


kx, ky – the x and y values that reflect the tablet stylus position. The output of both coordinates is normalized in the 0 to 1 range.

kz – the pressure output, scaled by the iPressRange argument (see above).

kleft, kright, kmiddle  - the status of the stylus buttons of the tablet. A 1 will indicate corresponding button is pressed, a 0 indicates that is depressed.

kinside – informs if the stylus is inside the active area. If it is, it outputs a 1, else a 0.

ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax – the range of the outlets, defined by the user. Remember that the Z coordinate refers to the stylus pressure.

iwminx, iwmaxx, iwminy, iwmaxy, iwminz, iwmaxz – the active zone of the window. The user can actually create a cube volume of activity range. Remember that the Z coordinate refers to the stylus pressure.

iexpx, iexpy, iexpz – (optional) the behavior of the responses of the various outlets. These argument have to be set to integer numbers denoting the behavior of the x or y output: 0 -> output is linear; -1 -> output is exponential; any other number indicates the number of an existing table that is used for indexing. With a positive value for table number, linear interpolation is provided in table indexing. A negative table number suppresses interpolation. Notice that in normal operations, the table should be normalized and unipolar (i.e. all table elements should be in the zero to one range). In this case all table elements will be rescaled according to imax and imin. Anyway, it is possible to use non-normalized tables (created with a negative table number, that can contain elements of any value), in order to acces the actual values of table elements, without rescaling, by assigning 0 to iout_min and 1 to iout_max.

All these opcode are not directly related to FLTK, but, in order to function properly, at least one FLpanel has to be present. Notice that all these opcodes must be placed inside an actual running instrument (i.e. not in instr 0), differently from most FLTK opcodes. Notice, that, in order to use a graphic tablet you need a specially-built executable of CsoundAV (with the WINTAB_GAB option activated when compiled).

FLtablet is the most basic of the graphic tablet support of CsoundAV.  It must be placed in a running instrument (not in the header section of an orchestra). It shoud always run, in order to use the other tablet-dedicated opcodes (see below).

FLtabletButton informs about the state of the three buttons of the stylus of the tablet. Notice that normally, the right button is associated with the stylus tip, anyway it is independent from the stylus pressure, since its value can be zero (the tip is not touching the tablet) or one (the tip is touching the tablet surface). Fltablet opcode must be running in order FLtabletButton1 to be operational.

FLtabletXYZ  Allows to sense the stylus position in a user-defined zone of the graphic tablet (actually a cube volume, considering that the Z coordinate refers to the stylus pressure). When FLtabletXYZ  is called, the position and pressure value of the stylus is used to reply to the request. It is possible to define the sensible zone, as well the minimum and maximum values corresponding to the minimum and maximum stylus positions. Stylus buttons don’t need to be pressed to make FLtabletXYZ  to operate. It is able to function correctly even if other instances of  FLtabletXYZ  overlap the sensible zone.

Updating Widget valuators via MIDI

FLmidiSet           ichan, icc, ihandle

FLslidBnk2Setk                              ktrig,   inputTable [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]


This opcode allows to update the position of an FLTK valuator widget accoding to a MIDI control change message (having 0xB0 + channel number as a status byte), making a bridge of the MIDI world to FLTK.


ichan – midi channel (1 to 16)

icc – number of a CC (continuous controller, second byte of the midi message)

ihandle – the handle of a previously-declared FLTK valuator

inputTable – table whose values serve to modify slider postions.

istarIndex – (optional) starting index of the table element of to be evaluated firstly. Default 0

istartSlid – (optional) starting slider to be evaluated. Default 0, denoting the first slider.

inumSlid – (optional) number of sliders to be updated. Default 0, denoting all sliders.


ktrig – the output of FLslidBnk2Setk consists of a trigger that informs if sliders have to be updated or not. A non-zero value forces the slider to be updated.

FLmidiSet allows to update the position of an FLTK valuator widget accoding to a MIDI control change message (having 0xB0 + channel number as a status byte), joining MIDI world to FLTK. Notice that all valuator widgets can be updated by FLmidiSet (including FLjoy), except the slider bank opcodes. In order to attach an FLTK valuator to a midi CC, you have to provide the handle of the widget as an argument of FLmidiSet, so FLmidiSet has to be placed AFTER the widget declaration. Each CC (continuous controller number) can be assigned to a different widget. When MIDI value reaches 127, the joined valuator widget will assume its maximum position, whereas when MIDI reaches 0, the widget will assume the minimum position.

FLslidBnk2Setk is not directly related to MIDI, but its main purpose is to allow FLslidBnk2 to be joined with MIDI (anyway it can be used even without using MIDI). It allows to update an FLslidBnk2 bank of sliders to a set of values located in a table. This opcode serves a a MIDI bridge to the FLslidBnk2 compound widget when used together with the sliderXXtable set of opcodes (see slider8table manual for more information).