CSOUND5 FOR OS X - HOW TO Quick and easy for Rtaudio & FLTK for OSX DOWNLOAD THESE LIBRARIES http://www.apple.com/macosx/developertools/ You need the compiler first to build all the libraries you will need All the commands will be run from Terminal.app Download http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html and get a fresh copy of libpng, just do it. fltk will fail a config without it. ./configure, make, sudo make install Download http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ ./configure, make, sudo make install Download http://python.org/2.3.5/ ./configure, make, sudo make install Then Get http://www.scons.org/ read the README or INSTALL text and follow the directions to install with python if it does not install correctly the 'scons' file is hiding in /scons0.96/scripts sudo cp scons /usr/local/bin/scons Then get http://fltk.org/software.php get 1.1.5 right now and ./configure --enable-threads --enable-shared make sudo make install If the make fails with a reference to libfltk_jpeg.a just do ./sudo ranlib /usr/local/lib/libflt_jpeg.a [or whatever it requests] Then make a folder somewhere comfy mkdir /Users/ME/Desktop/CSOUNDCVS inside of CSOUNDCVS inside terminal.app type or copy: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/csound login type enter when it asks for a password then type or copy cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/csound co -P csound5 it will take a few minutes, then cd to the /csound5 directory inside CSOUNDCVS. This is where I usually configure the Sconstruct file inside /csound5 With Word I edit and change useALSA to '0' and useJack to '0' pico seems to mess up the carriage returns. So find this spot in the SConstruct file ############################################################################# # # DEFINE CONFIGURATION # ############################################################################# 'Set to 1 to use double-precision floating point for audio samples.', '0') opts.Add('usePortAudio', 'Set to 1 to use PortAudio for real-time audio input and output.', '1') opts.Add('useOldPortAudioPlugin', 'Set to 1 to use old PortAudio plugin (rtpa.c and pa_blocking.c).', '1') opts.Add('useALSA', 'Set to 1 to use ALSA for real-time audio input and output.', '0') ;--------------NO ALSA FOR ME THANKS opts.Add('useJack', 'Set to 1 if you compiled PortAudio to use Jack', '0') ;---------------HIT THE ROAD JACK opts.Add('useFLTK', 'Set to 1 to use FLTK for graphs and widget opcodes.', '1') Then I simply type 'scons' at the commandline using Terminal.app inside the /csound5 directory. Test with ./csound -b1024 -odac:0 -iadc:0 -+rtaudio=coreaudio -+buffnos=16 examples/fL.csd Should give you an oscillator nob. Hope this helps Happy Csounding Pat Pagano 2005